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What Is Kundalini Yoga?





Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice of developing harmony between body, mind and spirit. It is an exploration of who we are as human beings. It teaches us to be mindful of our thoughts and emotions, and it helps us heal both physically and internally. To master yoga is to master yourself; to dwell firm in the present moment.

Energy Work

Although kundalini yoga consists hugely of exercise, its nature is different from what we are used to. Instead of building physical strength or fitness, in yoga we work with the body's energy system to heal, clear cellular memory and the subconscious mind. Yoga works on all levels of our being, allowing us to constantly discover new depths within.


In kundalini yoga we work a lot with pranayama (breathing), mantra (sound current) and mudra (hand position). We use asanas (yoga poses) sequenced in kriyas (yoga sets) to achieve various effects. Each set comes from a centuries-old tradition, designed by yoga masters of the past and passed on through generations.

"Yoga is not a thing you do to get better at something. It is an awakening to the subtle world within."

~ Harjeet

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

4. Do I have to be sober to practice yoga?
Absolutely yes. Neither alcohol nor recreational drugs mix very well with the practice of yoga. Kundalini yoga especially is very powerful, and mixing it with substances not only is counterproductive, but can also be dangerous. Just don't do it.
5. Can I try yoga with my kids?
Teenagers 12 years old and above are treated in yoga as adults, in the sense that they can attempt the full breadth of kundalini yoga practices. Nevertheless, I would recommend starting with something short and easy - like Sun Salutations - before exposing them to a fully-fledged practice. Children below that age are not recommended to do full kundalini yoga kriyas, and they should avoid breath of fire. They can by all means practice yoga, but it should be at specially curated classes for kids.
6. Can I practice yoga while pregnant?
Yes, you can, but there are limitations you must be aware of. Up to the 3rd month you're fine; afterwards many positions are prohibited, and breath of fire is out of the question. Our courses and classes are not tailored to pregnant women, so if you wish to practice while pregnant we advise you to look for a special pregnancy class elsewhere.


There are many benefits to the practice of Kundalini Yoga. Yoga will help you heal your body and maintain it in good shape. It will calm your mind and increase your self-awareness. It will teach you to remain mindful, absorbed in the present moment. And finally, it will expand your understanding of yourself, your life and the world around you.

Lotus in Bloom

Our Mission

Kundalini Yoga is a deep, ancient practice of healing and self-mastery. Our goal is simple - to share this practice with millions, in its most profound form.

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Our content not only provides you with deep yoga practices and knowledge, it is also made with passion and appreciation for beauty.

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Rather than overwhelm you with random content, we take you through a carefully curated curriculum - all so that you can truly venture deeper within.

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