Human life revolves primarily around doing. We live in a world of constant movement; always after one experience there comes the next, demanding our engagement and awareness. Many are lost in this circle of human doings, having lost somewhere along the true purpose of this dance of life. We struggle to find true fulfilment and inspiration; our lives are often heavy and consumed by routine. This is a sorry state of consciousness, where we live not out passion or curiosity but only because we have no other choice. There is a way out of this state, however, and this way is called mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of what you are doing. Mindfulness is pure noticing, without resistance, judgement or struggle for improvement. Mindfulness can be practiced in form of formal meditation; but it can also accompany us at every step of our lives. It takes no effort; it comes naturally and grows like a beautiful flower within you.
The true joy of human experience comes when you apply the practice of mindfulness to this human reality. When you can do your everyday duties remaining mindful, you experience the richness of every moment. You can cook, wash the dishes or do the laundry and be fulfilled, because you understand the purpose of life. You don’t need to do anything to be happy, happiness is your natural state of being. You don’t need more money, a better job, you don’t need to accumulate more knowledge or skills, because you are already complete. You live an active life however, and your awareness constantly pushes you to constructive actions, always testing your limits, pushing you out of what is known or comfortable.
You slowly find a platform of stability in life, your way of expressing yourself and of interacting with others. At this point many choose to dedicate their life to the practice of an art. An art is a human doing that aims to express something beyond form. Anything can be an art; it is the intention behind it that matters. If you cook only because you need to eat, and you don’t care whether the food is tasty, you do not practice art; you just do one more sorry necessity. But if you cook out of love, for your family or friends, or to discover for yourself a new taste or flavour, you kind of expand in that doing. You do and yet you don’t, you are there and yet you aren’t. This is the meaning of art.
Now, some choose to focus their lives on studying one particular art, some choose to practice many. Sometimes our practice of art transforms into a job, sometimes it remains a hobby, and sometimes it’s just a thing we do from time to time to add a different flavour to our life. It really doesn’t matter. Art is a thing without a strict definition, a thing done not for reaching a single goal, but for discovering something about yourself. There is no struggle or resistance within the practice of an art, it is a thing that either flows from us or doesn’t. And the beauty of humanity is that every one of us expresses ourselves differently, we find solace in different kinds of actions, enjoy different colours and flavours. Even within one discipline there are thousands of ways to approach it. Simply through the power of being each of us find their way to their individual expression, and when we do, we share what we do with others, receiving from them what they have to give. In this way we exchange, the same thing really – love, but under different cloaks, coming in different forms or flavours.
When we begin our journey into mindfulness, we are quite ignorant of the present moment. We do something and get the external result but fail to grasp what’s underneath. Then the more we do, the more we practice, the more complexities we begin to notice within seemingly simple things. We awaken to our curiosity and begin to experiment, discovering different ways and manners of doing the same thing. Gradually our actions gain in power, precision and clarity, there is a sense of depth in them that gives even the simplest things an immense value. Our life unfolds from within, and we are in our every action, at the same time retaining a kind of distance from it. Polarities blur and loosen our hold on us; we still experience positive and negative emotions, events or states of mind, but we can see them as merely ripples on the surface of an ocean. Because of the stillness within, when they come, they do not disturb us so much. They are actually quite beautiful, kind of cute. They are nothing compared to the totality of the infinity, and yet they redefine the unchangeful, giving it a new meaning.
Our practice takes physical form, of course, and yet it is not this form that is important. Some of us are painters, some musicians, some professional chefs, yogis, teachers, writers… It is our awareness, however, that gives meaning to what we do. We can do many things simultaneously and achieve success in them all; or we can focus on one specific thing. Sometimes it happens that we dedicate a part of our life to one path, and then as we evolve, we find that we need something different, something more to continue growing. If you struggle to find a thing for yourself, let your awareness be the chief director of your doings. It will bring you things that are good for you at the moment, and when their part is done it will take them away. Nothing will stay with you forever. This would be terrible, to be condemned to do one thing for eternity.
Be careful though how you approach whatever you’re doing. Just as everything can be a vehicle for art, self-discovery and creative expression, everything can be a vehicle of self-sabotage and auto-destruction. Do things that make you expand, avoid these that constrain you. Actually, it can be the same one thing. Many masters after achieving success fall into routine, and many trying to become masters try too hard, killing what they planted before it has a chance to grow. Balance and harmony, this is our way.
One more thing about mastery is that it requires persistence. This life is just for a moment, and yet it is natural to want to create here things that will last and bring you fulfilment. It is natural and healthy to find stability in your life, in your family, in your work and in your creative endeavours. The further you embark on one path, choosing a career or a life partner, you will encounter plateaus and you will encounter difficulties. At such moments it is important not to give up. Short-term inspiration comes and goes, but as the time goes by we learn to see what really matters. We can build something of great value here that can last many years in time, but we must survive the onslaught of doubts or discouragement that tend to creep in to our life from time to time.
That would be it about the practice of arts as a way to mastery. I hope it enlightens your viewpoint on the matter, giving you inspiration to live a better life and bringing guidance and consolation in times of trial. Remember, your outer life is a representation of your relationship with your present moment. And with the present moment, our exploration of it never ceases. Thus, no matter what you do and for how long – you can always find more depth to it; and you will, if only you practice!