The ten light bodies of consciousness are simply different layers of our being. When they are imbalanced, we walk in this world blind, condemned to accepting external circumstance as our fate. On the other hand, awareness of how various aspects of our being operate and interact will bring us a feeling of completeness and understanding, allowing us to wander in this world without getting lost. What follows below is a brief discussion of each of the light bodies. I sincerely hope that it will be of help to you.
1: The Soul Body
The Soul Body is a unique essence of spirit at the core of each person/identity. This spirit animates the physical body to life and uses mind as an instrument to express itself. Although the soul is immortal and divine, it is a part of the whole that chose to become separate. It is by design imperfect; in lack of perfection, it finds individuality, and in individuality it discovers perfection. For though there is only one life, it is expressed through many, and thus there can be life within life itself.
It is by the divine will that individual souls have arisen, and each carries a different aspect of God as its substance. Neither is better or worse than another; but since each is incomplete and imperfect, souls are subject to duality. They have strengths and weaknesses; they experience suffering and delusion. However, there is a positive side to that. Through people and their souls, cosmic energies interact with and balance each other, fulfilling the purpose of life.
So, simplifying things, a soul is the substance behind each person and from this substance identity arises.
If you are connected to your soul body, you have a strong sense of spiritual identity. You know your strengths and virtues and you are expressing them in the world.
If you are disconnected from your soul body, you don’t know who you are and you feel lost in the world. Your life is governed by the decisions of others and your body and mind exist only for their own gain, instead of as an extension of spirit.
If your soul body is dominating your other bodies, you are very attached to the way you perceive the world and to your individuality. You cannot comprehend others and you refuse to see that there is something beyond yourself. This causes you much suffering.
If you have mastered your soul body, you are one with your spiritual identity. You are in this world and yet not of this world. “You live and yet ye don’t; the Christ liveth through you.”
2: The Negative Mind
The Negative Mind is there to show you all the potential threats and challenges that you might face in a given situation. Whenever you undertake action, it evaluates facts and warns you of possible undesired outcomes. Then you can take this into consideration and be prepared for otherwise unforeseen circumstances.
Also, the negative mind reminds you that nothing in this world is perfect and enables you to discern your limitations. The challenge in mastering this body is to understand the significance of polarity as a vehicle for all motion in the universe. Then you will see through the dark side of things and notice beauty underneath.
If your negative mind is balanced, you perceive the world realistically. Taking action, you are aware of what it entails and are prepared to face its consequences. You are practical, efficient and able to achieve your goals. You see the shortcomings of people and situations – including yourself – but you use this knowledge to make the best out of what is.
If your negative mind is inactive, you fail to notice the consequences of your actions. You are impractical and inefficient. Nothing you endeavour to do will succeed, because you can only think of the end result, unable to conquer the obstacles in between. Your actions are chaotic and often surprise you with unforeseen negative results. You remain oblivious to the shortcomings of people and situations – including yourself – and this often gets you in trouble.
If your negative mind is dominating, you see only what could go wrong, so you are afraid to take any action at all. Negative thoughts rule you and are wreaking havoc in your life. You live in constant fear and insecurity, seeing yourself as the victim of external circumstances. You tend to condemn others for their shortcomings, blaming them and the world outside for your own limitations.
If you have mastered your negative mind, you use the power of your discernment to change the reality around you. You are aware of limitation and yet you transcend limitation. The rules of this world no longer apply in the face of your presence.
3: The Positive Mind
The Positive Mind is there to show you all the creative opportunities available to you. It analyses your current situation and comes up with positive ideas and solutions. It gives direction to your life, encouraging you to take up new challenges and thus to constantly learn and grow. It shows you the bright side of things. Its motto is: “when you don’t know what to do, just do something and see what happens”.
If your positive mind is balanced, you have an idea of where your life is going and you’re engaging yourself in constructive action. You can see how what you’re doing helps you develop yourself and it brings you an immense satisfaction. With time what you sow bears fruit, and you feel fulfilled and harmonious. You have the ability to notice beauty in others, and you use it to uplift and inspire those around you.
If your positive mind in inactive, you feel a shortage of opportunities. Life seems dull and boring, and you perceive yourself as powerless to effect any change in it. You prefer to let the will of others govern your life, rather than to stand up and take responsibility for yourself. You can achieve nothing because you have no will to put effort into anything. Although you are surrounded by beauty, you cannot see it nor appreciate it; everything seems ordinary and insignificant.
If your positive mind is dominating, you are flooded by an unending stream of ideas. Before you end one thing you start another, and you rarely finish what you started. Your excitement is your ruin; you are short-sighted and therefore unable to create desired future. You are unwilling to fully commit yourself to anything, which prevents you from achieving accomplishment. You see only positives and pretend that the dark side of life doesn’t exist. This makes your experience shallow.
If you have mastered your positive mind, you create in accordance with the divine scheme. All your endeavours succeed and flourish, because they are not really your endeavours after all. Everything flows through you with ease, without effort. There is a sense of internal abundance and prosperity, and you want for nothing.
4: The Neutral Mind
The Neutral Mind is there to look at things objectively and make final conclusions. It is space where discernment takes place and awareness is born. Action arising from the neutral mind is powerful, because it expresses the divine will within you, not only your individual will. The purpose of this body is to apply consciousness to your life, helping you make such decisions so that it can blossom within you. This brings an end to karma, ultimately freeing you from the bondage to this world.
The neutral mind sees both the negative and the positive, but it doesn’t judge – whether it be condemning or praise. It simply notices and brings everything into light. With noticing comes containment and understanding, remorse and forgiveness. To the neutral mind, everything comes and goes but awareness remains in place.
If your neutral mind is balanced, you are intuitive and comprehending. You have a sense of inner guidance and you can see everything as it is. You have confidence in your actions because you know that you are aligned with a will beyond that of your own. You live a life of significance and you have the power to change the lives of others. In the light of your discernment comes the unmaking of suffering and delusion. You have achieved harmony that lasts when everything else changes. Polarities no longer affect you. You no longer live your life; you begin to perceive as it unfolds before you.
If your neutral mind is inactive, you are short-sighted, limited and self-centred. You are unable to see the bigger picture and your role in it; you only see that which is in front of your nose. You live only for your own gain and you don’t care much how your actions affect others. That’s why you often cause harm unintentionally, sometimes even not realising it. If something pleases you, you call it good, and if it upsets you, you deem it bad. You strive to experience as much “good” things and as little “bad” things as possible, not realising that they are one and the same. You are a prisoner of your mind, alternating between pain and pleasure, but knowing not true realisation nor fulfilment.
If your neutral mind is dominating, your awareness doesn’t leave space for much else. You are so sick of polarities that you would rather not do nor experience anything at all. You cut yourself away from life, because you find it irksome to deal with. You are unable to take joy in things of this world; you see them as trivial, silly and unimportant. You live in your internal world and ignore everything else. You feel lonely and isolated, dominated by a feeling of vacuum.
If you have mastered your neutral mind, you no longer identify with thought. You remain absorbed in the Now - your true identity - using your mind as a tool when you need it. You don’t need the mind to exist, and all you require is provided by spirit.
5: The Physical Body
The Physical Body is where all the other light bodies come together and interact with each other. It gives a sense of stability to your being, setting you firm on your feet in time and space. It focuses your energy down to form and allows you to create things in the physical world. It defines what you can do and what you cannot, presenting you with opportunities but also setting limitations. It constitutes a platform, a foundation for your creation, and it is a vehicle through which you express yourself and experience life.
Also, the physical body is an outer image of yourself, projecting your inner world into the external world. It shows forth your beauty, but it reveals hidden delusions and disharmonies.
If your physical body is balanced, you use your identity to express yourself and fulfil your purpose in life. You take part in the comings and goings of the world and your affairs are governed by the strength of your spirit. You walk firmly on earth, but with your head in the heavens. Your external life shows forth your inner harmony, but your happiness is independent from external circumstance.
If your physical body is inactive, you cannot find your place in the world. You feel imprisoned within your own body, perceiving it as an obstacle to the unfoldment of your spirit. You cannot connect your spiritual nature with your material existence, and it causes you great frustration. You feel misunderstood and unhappy, forced to put your dreams aside to contend with the challenges of the world.
If your physical body is dominating, you are so attached to your finite existence that you cannot grasp your infinite nature. You can see only the material world; you are trying to find happiness and fulfilment outside of your being. You are ruled by your instincts and are happy when you’re accumulating wealth and power. You know not true fulfilment, only momentary satisfaction.
If you have mastered your physical body, you have transcended your physicality. You know yourself as omnipresent consciousness and what happens to your finite body doesn’t disturb your abiding in the kingdom of spirit.
6: The Arc Line Body
The Arc is responsible for projection, protection and integrity of your energy. It cuts negative influences and makes your prayers reality. If you decide you want to do something, it happens. It gives you a sense of power to do and to become. It constitutes your personal willpower. The motto of this body is: “I want this, so this is what I get”.
If your arc is balanced, you accomplish what you want with ease. You say something and it happens. You have influence over other people, and you use it to bring forth creation of harmony and beauty. You are true to yourself, being honest about your shortcomings. You have no fear from external circumstances, as whatever evil happens around you, it touches you not.
If your arc is inactive, you have no willpower nor presence to accomplish anything at all. You feel frail and weak, a victim of external circumstances. You are afraid to insist on what you want, and you bend to the will of others. You tend to deceive yourself, justifying your shortcomings rather than try and overcome them.
If your arc is dominating, your presence is imposing and intrusive to others. You like to bend people to your will and to manipulate them. You are a prisoner of what you want and if you don’t get it, you can get very angry. Your actions often turn out to sabotage you yourself, and harm others in the meantime. You think you are always perfect, and if something goes wrong you blame and accuse others.
If you have mastered your arc line body, your word becomes inseparable from reality. You are a well of truthfulness and all who drink from it become truthful as well. The sound of your name permeates all being.
7: The Auric Body
The Aura provides space for your energy to rest, circulate and expand. It is a vehicle of interaction between you and other people; it creates space around you where you feel comfortable and secure. It determines what you vibrate out to the world and how you are perceived by others. The motto of this body is: “For the flower of spirit to blossom you must first allow it to be”.
If your aura is balanced, you can feel your radiance unfolding from within you. You can just sit and dwell in the bliss of your kingdom, and creative opportunities arise around you. All you need you have already. Your presence elevates and inspires others, and you evoke natural respect. People listen when you talk but you’re also a very attentive listener. You communicate productively.
If your aura is inactive, you are disconnected from your radiance. You are afraid to stand out, so you blindly follow others. You refrain from expressing your opinion and put trust in people you feel inferior to. You are a very closed person, and your relations are superficial. You struggle to communicate because you are afraid of others’ judgement.
If your aura is dominating, you have plenty of radiance, but you don’t allow it to blossom. You constrict your energy with your actions and can rarely just be at peace with yourself. When you don’t have anything to do you go crazy; you are overwhelmed with excess energy, so you go and waste it on nonsense. Your happiness is dependent upon external things and when you lose them you feel attacked and diminished. You are chaotic and unstable. You communicate freely, but not deeply, and you need to be in the centre of attention of others.
If you have mastered your auric body, your presence is as a gift to others. People love you and like being around you, drinking in your energy and seeking your council. You find family wherever you go, and boundaries between people melt in your presence.
8: The Pranic Body
The Pranic Body is responsible for your connection with the infinite source of energy. It fuels all your thought, emotion and action, bringing you and your ideas to life. It is a vehicle of prana, or life force, the substance of all life.
Good command of the Pranic Body will give you the ability to direct the flow of energy with your awareness. You will recognise that everything is energy and thus begin to consciously direct the flow of your life.
If your pranic body is balanced, you can feel that you are sustained by the divine spirit. You have plenty of energy to enjoy the moment and to fulfil your endeavours. You can feel everything clearly, you are conscious of your emotions and you observe the movement of energies within you. You consciously choose how you want to feel and experience this life, striving for inner balance and harmony.
If your pranic body is inactive, you are separated from your feelings. You are able to be neither happy nor sad, and life seems drained of all its colour. You don’t have the will and energy to live, so your life resembles vegetation.
If your pranic body is dominating, you cannot contain the abundance of energy flowing through you. You are overwhelmed by the strength of your feelings and you lose yourself in them, behaving irresponsibly and dangerously. You are attached to life and addicted to certain feelings, and when things you love go, you try to hold on to them and experience acute emotional pain.
If you have mastered your pranic body, you have overcome all attachment. Things come and go through you, but you remain yourself, unperturbed by this movement. You dwell in the kingdom of spirit, which is your liberation. A vast source of energy from the Universe is at your disposal. Nothing is impossible to you anymore.
9: The Subtle Body
The Subtle Body is responsible for understanding, comprehension and mastery. It gives you access to knowledge of the universe. It enables you to analyse things in this world and come up with worthwhile conclusions. It is a vehicle for experiencing the subtle realms of consciousness, transcending limitations of the physical body.
If your subtle body is balanced, you use your intuition to know the true nature of things. You have many talents and are a quick learner. You can adapt to any circumstance and have an innate ability to understand that which has not been said. This gives you a good understanding of yourself and the world around you. You know the why behind every situation or event. You can relate to anything at any level.
If your subtle body is inactive, you are clumsy and awkward. You can see only the superficial and are oblivious to the complexity and vastness of the universe. You prefer to stay in a familiar place, and you dislike being put outside of your comfort zone.
If your subtle body is dominating, your love for complexity and mystery makes you difficult to be understood. You are chaotic and confusing, often contradicting yourself. You trip over your own words in your elaborate speeches and what you say loses power and meaning. You live in your imagination and you are prone to idealism and self-delusion.
If you have mastered your subtle body, you are a living bank of wisdom and knowledge. You know the totality of the infinity. You traverse distant realms and dimensions freely, achieving freedom from the pull of this world.
10: The Radiant Body
The Radiant Body constitutes your perfection and divinity. It shines with crystalline light that illuminates all it touches. It represents enlightenment, realisation and fulfilment. It is the silent awareness that resolves all issues and answers all questions. This is our destiny.
If your radiant body is balanced, you can feel all your troubles and worries smoothed out by immaculate light. Whenever you find yourself suffering, something comes and gives you a hand. Whenever you get lost in delusion, something comes and shakes you out of it. This is the radiance of your own perfection which is being awakened within you.
If your radiant body is inactive, you feel helpless and forlorn. You cannot find the way out of suffering and you keep repeating the same mistakes.
If your radiant body is dominating, you refuse to come out of suffering. You are so attached to your behaviour patterns and so convinced about your rightness, that you keep banging you head against the wall, neglecting help that you’re being offered.
If you have mastered your radiant body, you are an emanation of Christ. Everything you touch you illuminate with the immaculate light, transforming ugliness into beauty, disease into health and mean character into compassion. You bring an end to duality.
Ending note
The descriptions above are designed to give you a feel for each of the light bodies. They are by no means complete or perfectly accurate. My point is not to describe something as vast and complicated as the light body system, but to enable you to come into conscious communication with this aspect of your consciousness. As such, treat this article as an entryway for further contemplation on the topic.
You will have noticed that all the light bodies are interconnected. When one falls out of balance, it affects all the others. Furthermore, each body constantly fluctuates between balance and imbalance, depending on the challenges of your environment. This process is how we strengthen our command of the light bodies – even if you have a strong subtle body, for instance, you might still experience symptoms of imbalance as it gets activated even further.
To conclude, I hope that the information above will help you in your journey of becoming a fully independent, conscious human being. This article is likely to be updated in the future; as my understanding of the light bodies grow, I might polish some things and add additional information. I feel like there is a lot more to discover here.